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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Beautiful Day.....

It is a beautiful day - hello second day of Spring!  I figured I would title my blog something happy today, since I am going to vent first thing.

I read a blog last night of a friend of friend's (no I do not know her - but I accidentally clicked on her name on Instagram and ran across her blog - which I love).  Anyway....she mentioned something about Instagram and how there are too many children on it....I AGREE.  I have nothing against teens having Instagram - HOWEVER, I have a HUGE. YES. HUGE. issue with the things I keep seeing one there.  You might be "hot" at 16....but that does not mean you should put up 102039448 pictures of yourself in a bikini....on the treadmill....on the street.....on your couch....on your bed....etc. One or two of you at the beach....swimming....okay. about 14 years your bra and underwear - I don't think so.  Self respect people. Self respect.  But then what about the saying "If you've got it flaunt it." ???  (I know I started a sentence with but...sorry.)  I am all for flaunting what you've got - if you work hard on having a nice body - do what you want with it.  BUT (here we go again) the saying should come with an age limit.  Like...."no flaunting until you are 30" - not catchy, I know.  Whatever. 

 Came across this on Pinterest this morning - I have pinned it before, but had forgotten about it.
I need to be conscious of this at all times...

Everyone should live by this - including myself.  I realize I do not, but I should. 
I should start asking myself this everytime I speak.

Is it true? - Generally yes.  I have been known to exaggerate (slightly) but...I have never really been criticized for lying.  I mostly get in trouble for being too open or honest.  Oh well. People could hate me for worse things.

H is where I run into trouble.  Is it helpful?  - Well obviously....I think it is helpful.  You probably don't, but I do. 

Is it inspiring?  Probably not.  I have never been very inspiring - guess I'll work on that.

Is it necessary? - Rarely.

Is it kind?  Depends whether or not I like you.  Actually, yes. What I say is USUALLY kind - I like most everyone.  I do criticize though - openly.  I like to think of the mean things I say as "constructive criticism." Kidding....I need to be nicer.