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Monday, April 2, 2012

A compilation of thoughts.....

I have been really good at procrastinating lately.  Really good.  I always procrastinate, but typically not to this extent.  I have obviously procrastinated doing laundry - surprisingly enough, not Michael's - just my own.  I suppose that is alright though, the deeper I dig in my closet, the more "new" clothes I have :) Want to know something embarrassing?  I found a shirt hanging in my work closet (yes, I have 1.5 closets).  This particular shirt still had a price tag on it....yikes.  I love it.  Michael told me it was hideous.  Whatever.  Speaking of this shirt, I wore it to Billings last week for my mom's initial chemo treatment - which she handled very well.  Enough on that - I imagine I'll already get a phone call telling me not to blog about her :)

Anyway...I wore this "new" shirt to Billings.  My husband's job is in the top 10 - worst - things - that - have - ever - happened - to - me list and I had to drive myself.  While my dad is a fantastic teacher when it comes to most everything, he didn't really cover big city (and by big city, I obviously mean Billings...) driving.  We spent years learning how to drive so close the edge, you might as well have been in the ditch - but DON'T. DRIVE. IN. THE. DITCH!  He taught us to how drive through drifts as tall as the pick-up, how to put chains on, how to drive on ice, in mud...etc.   His general philosophy for winter driving is "It's just a little ice....."  Obviously my mother and him do not really see eye to eye when it comes to appropriate transportation.  Nonetheless, he did teach me to be a careful and fast driver.  I am thankful for this because I love my husband dearly, but he drives slower than my mother - and her max. speed is like 40. Maybe.  If she is in a hurry.  :)  Just kidding, Mom - I think we all know you drive faster than Mike.    Back to my initial point...My dad was flabbergasted that I could not drive in Billings....  I suck at it.  Pure and simple.  Thank God for my i-phone.  

P.S.  I despise Billings.  What an awful place.  I love Bozeman though, and miss it dearly.

Speaking of thanking God for the i-phone - while in Billings, my Grandma gave me the most beautiful book I have ever seen.  It is a family heirloom of sorts.  I am not sure when it was made, but it was given to a great - great - great - great grandmother of mine in the 1800's.  It is a Bible, that I am not sure I can read.  I started reading a little bit of it, but it is incredibly hard to understand.  I think I need to educated muhself with a simpler text.  I will get a picture up in the future.

I am excited to go home this weekend for Easter and take some new pictures!  There is nothing here to take pictures of.  No mountains.  Well, there are some small mountains in the alley behind my house that just seem to keep multiplying.  Last week these totally obnoxious kids - who do NOT even live on my block seemed to think that MY alley was the perfect location for their bike jumps.  Not cool.  Clearly I ran them over.....3 days in a row....and yesterday they were back.  Not only do they build jumps - BIG jumps, they leave their bikes laying in the alley.  These are not small children mind you - at least 10 years old.  Finally, I told them if they left their bike in the road again, I was going to run it over.  Obviously.  Also, I run these damn jumps over on a regular basis and they just stand their and scowl at me.  Seriously, kid????? Go get your OWN alley.  I drive a Subaru, not a monster truck.  Also, wear some clothes.  They are out there in their shorts and that is all  - not even shoes.  It is not THAT warm out - well, one day it was.  But not most.  

Where are your parents?
Where are your clothes?
Where is YOUR alley?

Go home and stay there.  Please and thank you.  

While I am venting about my neighborhood. . . A lady decided it was appropriate to tell me yesterday that my dog barked at her kid and chased it.  The barking part was probably true - my bad.  However, keep your scroungy little kid OUT. OF. MY. YARD. and away from my dog.  What I wanted to tell her was that if her child let my dog out of it's kennel one. more. time. I am going to let it bite her.  Seriously.  Well, I would be half way serious if my dog would actually bite someone. giver her kid a bath.

I want this bit.  Bad.  Unfortunately, my Dad is stingy with his tack.

Lime green is my fav.

Even though I am not a fan of Spring / Summer, I do like flowers and robin eggs......

1 comment:

  1. So, you like little California better than Billings?? And you need to proof again! Love you!
