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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Snail Mail

What has happened to snail mail?  Don't get me wrong, I love e-mail, but why doesn't anyone write letters anymore?  I sat down yesterday and made graduation gifts for my graduating 8th graders (tear).  Yes, I teared up.  I am going to miss them.  Anyway, I saw this completely corny idea on a teacher website and decided to go with it.  The 8th graders will probably not follow through with it and I will get an "Omg Mrs. Gilbert, can't I just text you???"  No. No you may not text me.  I pre-addressed and stamped letters to myself :) From them and put them in the gift bags.  I wrote both of them letters, and I am sure they will be totally embarrassed and annoyed.  They are always annoyed when I write to them.  But...I don't have anyone else to write to, so I write to my students.  And my husband - who also gets annoyed with it.  But, he writes to me too :) Which is reason #44545664433499660 why I love him so much.  I love writing letters, even though I am terribly awkward at it, but mostly I love getting letters.  I am completely obsessed with handwriting. I love it and it is beautiful.  All of it.  Well, most of it. 

Also, the more blogs I look at, the less punctuation I see.  I am going to try it.  Here we go.

My mom had her third chemo treatment on Tuesday, and got good news!  Made my week.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I am pretty sure I get the Worst Kid Ever Award.  I didn't even mail my card until today - so it will be late.  Also, I can't send flowers....and the gift that I tried to make originally, didn't work out.  So, Happy Mother's Day, Mom.  Love you.

I have been pinning a lot lately, trying to get some new ideas for school next year and keep coming across all of those quotes that make you question your entire life/lifestyle/personality.  Most are inspiring - but at the same time they make one feel like sh** about how they act.

 I love this one.  How true is that?


Is this true?  I do not speak french but I am in love with this.  Why do we not have a word for this?  We kind of do, or at least I do. And that is the f word.  This happens to me at least 30 times every single day due to the fact that I have the worlds WORST vocabulary.  I do not even know how it is possible for someone that reads as much as I do, and has always read a ton to have such a horrible vocabulary.  My best friend is one of the most intelligent people that I know, and she and her twin can have entire conversations in front of me and I seriously have no idea what they are saying.


This might be one of my favorite things. ever.  love it.  there is another one that i found that said something like "going to church doesnt make you any more christian than parking in the garage makes you a car."

Few things annoy me more than religion. going to church does not make you a good person. being a good person makes you a good person.

How I should live my life. working on it.

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