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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Catching Up

We worked cows today - it was finally nice enough out to do so.  It wasn't very nice, but it was nice enough.  And by nice enough I simply mean it failed to rain or snow.  It was windy.  Very windy. So, now I am sitting here drinking tea.  I used to not like tea - but my mom bought some Twinings Earl Gray and I have become rather addicted.  Coincidentally, I am currently reading 50 Shades of Grey, by E L James, and Miss Anastasia Steele's favorite kind of tea is Twinings.  Weird. 

I love to read, and I enjoy reading most everything, from Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling is a genious. pure genious - anyway, anything from Harry Potter to one of my favorites, Snowbound by, Ladd Hamilton - a true story about the Carlin hunting fiasco.  Great book.

Currently, I am finishing up the Dragon Tattoo trilogy - AMAZING. And just started this E L James book.  I am hooked, I will admit - but it is no literary masterpiece.  I mean really, James....couldn't you have thought of a better term than "inner goddess"  to be used repeatedly.  Repeatedly.  Anyway, like I said, I am fairly hooked because it is interesting.  Fascinating maybe. But not my cup of tea.  Won't be on  my top 10 list.

          These are two of the best books that I have read.  I did not realize The Loop was written by Nicholas Evans (not a fan) until just now - which makes me question myself.  I read it many years ago - and now need to reread.  So, I may be taking this recommendation back in the future.  
Snowbound, however, is a great read. 

Tonight my Grandma, brought over a quilt that my mother had made.  Grandma quilted it and the whole thing is beautiful.  Unfortunately it is folded up and I didn't get to take a picture of it.  Maybe later.

After my last post, you may be wondering how our Memorial Day adventure turned out.  We drove through Yellowstone Park, stayed in Cooke City and then checked out a future camping spot at Fort Smith.  It was a fun weekend.  It was really snowy in the park - but we did see three bears.  And of course elk and buffalo.  Nothing new.

Is it really necessary to park like this?

 The bikes that never got ridden.

Buddy likes to travel :)

Slippers. Really?  There was over 5 inches of snow and she fell down about three times.  Wow.

Mom and Dad

 The baby buffs.

My love and I.

Bad picture but he was a pretty cute little guy.

Buddy and Spunk were exhausted after a day and a half of traveling.


  1. Love, love, love the photo of the three dogs sitting between your Mom and Dad. Great post Katie!

  2. I really enjoy reading your Blog my dear! It makes me smile! :o)
